A'eyshn Demiir

“A cynic by experience, a romantic by inclination and now a hero by necessity.”

David Gemmell


A'eyshn "Aysun" Demiir
Race: Miqo'te - Seeker of the Sun (mixed)
Gender: Female
Nameday: 16th Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon
Age: It's complicated (early 20's)
Guardian: Oschon, the Wanderer
Devout: Llymlaen, the Navigator
Height: 4 fulms, 10 ilms
Body: Petite, fit
Hair: Blonde, curly, messy
Eyes: Heterochromia-brown/blue
Scars: Plentiful
Marks: Mark of the Twelve on her back from Carteneau; small deliberate smudge of white paint below her left eye
Voice: Relatively monotone, but feminine in pitch; Lominsan/"sailor" accent which is inconsistently suppressed
Grand Company: Maelstrom allegiance, Foreign Levy
Associations: Adventurers' Guild & similar, Winds of Hope, Apocrypha
Current Residence: Darkfire Forge, the Goblet (W16, P48)
Marital Status: Married
In Brief: good, loyal, capricious, damaged, prickly, forgetful

Abilities & Weaknesses

Chakrams (Dancer), ShortbowsImpeccable aim and she uses her movement as a focus for aether-enhanced attacks. She is quick, agile, and evasive.She will fight dirty at close range in a bind. Melee is not her forte. She has no experience with most other weapons.
The Echo / "Blessing," MagicksBeing "gifted" with the Echo grants her a definite overall edge as an adventurer. Her strength with magic is very high..But it is instinctively and emotionally fueled, thus generally unpredictable. She no actual training in the schools of magic outside of some study in arcanism.
Basic Crafting, FishingShe is a skilled fisher and has developed skill in bow-making from maintaining her own weapons/making her own arrows. As an amateur cartographer hobbyist, she loves to explore and is an expert at wandering...and by extension, getting lost. She is also by no means adept at any of her crafts outside of weaving, which was also a hobby for her. She has basic understanding and ability as a leatherworker and carpenter, but much is beyond her skill.


Born and grown at sea, A'eyshn was raised by her mother and a crew of vagrants on a reliable, although not very reputable ship. A trading vessel, according to her mother, called the Alacritie. There were no other children or Miqo'te to grow up with, nor women at all other than her mum.. and a few hyur wenches that stowed away, of course, later to be welcomed by the men needing comfort in their hammocks.But her young mother had also needed comfort during one particular docking in her home, Limsa Lominsa... there she met a Miqo'te man with blue eyes she could not resist. After a short, whirl-wind romance, it was back to sea with the other men. Several moons passed, and she confessed to the Captain. There was no denying it. Ashamed, she promised she would not entangle herself like that again. She would be alone raising the child; the man had disappeared just as quickly as she had fallen in love with him. It was lucky she kept her position at all aboard the ship, let alone being allowed to raise her daughter there.They trained her in tailoring. She learned to manipulate and create with leathers, cloths, and woods. What a place it was for a child.. she had no friends or play. It was always learning, observing, and practicing. Life on the ship was often also dangerous: she was told pirates attacked the ship unrelentingly, wanting the goods that were the crew's livelihood. But Llymlaen is merciful, and they escaped them time and time again while she was sheltered below decks.As she grew older, the Wanderer's influence on her nature became more apparent. Many bells she spent staring out at the seas. There were so many islands they stopped at along the way, to trade and to rest. There were girls on these islands, and they danced so beautifully. She studied their dances, practicing as she did all things. Back on the ship mostly she was alone, and she danced to the music she heard in her heart whenever she could. Sometimes, however, the men played real music for her on deck.Eventually the girl wasn't a girl anymore, she was a woman. South they went on one route, leaving the humid air before docking once more. This place, Thanalan... it was this place she had to be. The sun shown long hours, and dry heat warmed her. It was amazing and it called to her. But the ship had to return to Limsa Lominsa, its storage was full of pelts and ores and its supplies were replenished with exotic cactus-fruits, nuts, and fresh and dried meats from the inland – a real treat for the men.

Sixteen and dressed in her best, she waved to her mother, a weathered short bow on her back. An archer, raised at sea? Her teacher found aiming at a moving target - on a moving boat! - good practice for marksmanship. The rough seamen she grew up with, highlander and Midlanders, a quiet giant of a Roegadyn, the Elezen who was her teacher, and of course a round little Lalafell, vagrants, and such good men, were there to see her off.As many places as she had been, the places she had seen.. she had truly seen only a fraction of Eorzea as it was known to those born and raised on the land. The people, the races she'd never interacted with (including her own), she knew nothing of them or their rumors of war. She would find a caravan to take her to the city nearest, one called Ul'dah. There, a parade was taking place. Oh, there was a dancer, like her... How lovely she was. Perhaps she could find somewhere in this city to work and dance too?

Hear. Feel. Think.

Friends & Family

Tufh'to Ananke-Friendly dancer co-worker, pupil
Selene Artemis-Former close friend, imprisoned, not forgotten
Navei Asue-Former boss and friend, not forgotten
Roman Barlowe-Curious co-worker
Enkhjarjal Dalamiq-Odd boss
Fenix Darkfire♥-Very tall husband
E'irawen Demiir♥-Missing half-brother
Galvadan Edgecrusher-Former close friend, not forgotten
Camille Everardi♥-Cousin by marriage, scary but sweet
Reppu Hijiri-Close friend, abrasive as she is
Alexois de Jervaint-Odd friend, stuffy
R'das Sahazrh-Drunk but special
I'rhane Sana♥-Half-sister, dislike immensely
Gabriella de Jervaint, née Vuivaire-Great baker
Rachelle Woods-Dance pupil and friend
Eva Zelorius-Priestess with kind ear

Hooks & OOC

- You Look Familiar. After Carteneau, she has continued to be heavily involved in the war efforts, primal-business, and other Scion-related things. Were you?
- Fetch Quest. She's a frequenter of adventurers' hubs, a wanderer, and often assists with the work in the forge she calls home. Need something sourced or killed?
- Don't Drink the Tea. It's foul. But if she offers it, she wants to be your friend.
- Storyteller? She will use any excuse to people-watch or listen to storytellers. Egomaniac? She's a great enabler.
OOC Notes:
Character: Aysun Demiir (Balmung)
Player: 30's/F, CST/CDT (generally online 6-9pm, may RP during daytime hours)
☽ Sync: preferably if we interact more than once!
- Aysun is a "side character" in RP, generally used for/involved in progressing others' plots without having a major one up front herself. I don't DM/run events!
- Social/casual RP is just as fun as deep plot and combat, to me.
- While adult themes are fine with me (the character and I are both adults), I don't ERP with randos and Aysun is monogamous!
- Aysun absolutely is a big ol' snowflake. She is a warrior of light (i.e., Carteneau/I played 1.0) and she is involved with the Scions, so she has been in the thick of things. However, she is not the Warrior of Light. She keeps her stupid adventures to herself, so this aspect of her story is only really known to/used by people close to her that I know OOC are fine with it, and choose to go there with me.
- I do best with "organic" RP, and tend to just jump IC when I can rather than setting things up OOCly. I have anxiety.

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